Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of the policy

The purpose of this policy to specify the data protection and data processing principles VMKOMM (Service Provider) observes during the operation of the website, and the data protection and data processing policy of the website which accepts as binding on itself.

2. Definitions

Personal data: data that can be connected to a specific natural person and conclusions related to such person that can be drawn from said data. In the course of data processing, such data shall be considered to remain personal as long as their relation to the data subject can be restored.
Data processing: regardless of the process applied, the collection, recording, storage, processing, and use of personal data (including transfer and publication). Data processing also includes the amendment of data and the prevention of further use.

Data controller: VMKOMM Kommunikációs Tanácsadó Kft. (address: 1136 Budapest, Pannónia u. 4)
Technical data processing: the performance of data processing operations, regardless of the methods or means employed or of the place of application.
Technical data processor: any natural or legal person or organisation without legal personality that carries out the technical processing of personal data on commission by the data controller.
Data transfer: making data accessible for a specific third party.
Deletion of data: making data unrecognisable in such a way that they are not possible to restore any more.
User: persons registered on the website.

3. Scope of personal data processed

Users provide the following data upon registration: email address, data entered in the calculator.
The Service Provider's servers automatically store Users' IP addresses, the type of their operating system and browser, as well as some other information generated during the use of the service. The Service Provider only uses said information in an aggregate and processed form to improve the quality of its services, troubleshooting if necessary and for statistical purposes. The Service Provider does not associate said data with other data provided by Users – save for cases specified as mandatory by law – in any form whatsoever. The data are stored only on the server. Only the Service Provider's authorised personnel and users may have access to Users' data.

4. Legal basis, purpose and method of data processing

The legal basis for data processing is the form completed voluntarily during registration on the website based on appropriate information. The purpose of data processing is to ensure the provision of services available at the website. The Service Provider may manage the personal identification data and address required for the identification of Users using the service in order to create, define the content of, modify, and monitor the fulfilment of the contract aimed at the provision of the service related to the information society, and to invoice the fees arising therefrom and enforce the claims related thereto.
The Service Provider does not use the personal data provided for purposes other than the use of the service.
The Service Provider does not verify the personal data provided upon registration. The person providing such data will be only and exclusively responsible for the authenticity of said data. By providing their email address, Users assume responsibility that only they use the service from the email address provided.

5. Data processing principles

Data may be obtained and processed only fairly and legally. Data may only be stored for the specified and lawfully purposes and no other use thereof is allowed.
The Service Provider takes the appropriate security measures to protect the personal data stored in the automated databases to prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, and unlawful access, modification and distribution.

6. Data protection guidelines

The Service Provider will use the personal data inevitably necessary to use the services of only in relation to the use of services based on the stakeholders' consent.
The Service Provider agrees to process the data obtained in compliance with the data protection laws and the principles specified herein, and not to disclose the same to third parties. An exception thereto is the use of data in a statistically aggregated format that does not include any data suitable to identify any Users.
In each case when the Service Provider intends to use the personal data stored for purposes other than to ensure the use of service, it notifies Users of such data processing purpose and requests their prior express consent thereto, and provides an opportunity for them to reject data use at any time. The data processed on the basis of this provision must be deleted if the purpose of data processing ceased, or if the recipient of the service orders so.
The Service Provider as data controller ensures that only the persons specified herein will have access to Users' data, unless provided otherwise by law. At the same time, the Service Provider reserves the right to disclose Users' personal data to the competent authorities in the case Users are suspected of the misuse of service or other crime. Apart from data supply to subcontractors required to fulfil orders, the Service Provider does not disclose the data it processes to third parties. The personal data disclosed by may not be used or handed over to third parties.
The Service Provider takes all expected measures to securely store the data, but assumes no responsibility for the damage, destruction or falling of data in unauthorised hands in the case of technical failures, natural disasters, terror or crime acts.

7. Term of data processing

The starting date of data processing is the time when the registration form is completed and this policy is accepted at the same time. Following registration, Users' data are stored in our database according to this policy.
Users' data provided during registration are stored as long as said registration remains valid. As soon as a User's access to the website ends, its data are deleted. The deletion data is 10 days from receiving the deregistration (deletion request) of a User. All personal data of a User is deleted after deletion except for data that are mandatory to store under applicable law (e.g. data featured on invoices). Furthermore, in the case of a suspected crime or liability under civil law the Service Provider is entitled to retain the data for the duration of the relevant proceedings to be conducted.
Other data recorded automatically and technically during the operation of the system are stored on the server from their creation date for a duration reasonable in terms of ensuring the operation of the system. The Service Provider ensures that said data may not be associated with Users' other personal data in any manner whatsoever.

8. Disposal over personal data

The Service Provider provides an opportunity to Users to have access to the data stored about them at any time, modify such data if necessary or delete their registration.
Users may view changes to their personal data under their personal profile after logging into the system.

Users may request the deletion of their registration by email sent to Earlier deleted data may not be restored after the request to delete or modify personal data is fulfilled.

9. Data processing

The website does not engage external technical data processors, but processes the personal data by itself.

10. Data transfer

The Service Provider as data controller is entitled and obliged to transfer all available and properly stored personal data to the competent authorities where it is obliged by a statutory regulation, or a final and legally binding authority obligation. The Service Provider may not be held liable for the transfer of such data or the consequences resulting therefrom.

11. Amendment of the data processing policy

As the operation of the website VMKOMM reserves the right to amend this policy unilaterally with prior notification thereof. All Users acknowledge to automatically accept the amended data processing policy by using the system after such notification.

12. Miscellaneous provisions

The data controller is obliged to reply to any questions pertaining to data processing and data protection within 8 working days of the receipt thereof. In the case of emails, the date of receipt will be the first working day after the sending date. Users may request information in writing from the Service Provider as data controller about the processing of their personal data by email sent to